This wristband could replace caffeine.

Doppel looks like a normal wristwatch with a large disc resting on the inside. A tap on the discussion makes it start pulsing at about 170 beats per minute. The device uses a small motor to vibrate silently creating a "lubdub", heartbeat-like sensation that tricks the mind into thinking that the heart is racing . As part of a small but growing wave of wearable devices, it does not seek to passively track the physiology of a user, but can change it.

 Doppel have been tested on 400 people and  according to users, it can get you perked up in the morning, keep you going and stay focused after lunch and so on. The founders are on the quest for more venture capital funding with 1000 devices sold so far. Doppel is planned to be launched fully in the North America and Europe in the autumn.
Doppel founders:Jack Hooper, Fontini Markopoulou, Andreas Bilicki and Nell Bennett. 


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