
Showing posts from July 20, 2016

Robotic bartender

This Robotic bartender for your homes is a Wi-Fi connected Robotic bartending appliance created for the home. The personal bartender can be operated  with the aid of a mobile App which works for both Android and it's lovers. 

ischool Africa :Young life's changed forever

ischool Africa is an educational initiative developed by Apple's local value Added Distributor, Core Group, which reaches under-resourced rural and township schools across South Africa. The overall objective of the initiative is to empower teachers and students by providing them with access to the world's most advanced educational technology. The ischool Africa iPad learning programme combines mobile iPad labs with training, support integration, monitoring and evaluation to address key challenges faced by our teachers and students to create a sustainable impact on education. To achieve this, ischool Africa works in partnership with programme sponsors from both government and private sector.

Plastic Bottle Village

The 'Plastic Bottle Village' is the brainchild of Robert Berean. The sort of innovative idea that might eventually save the earth from drowning in plastics. The Plastic Bottle Village is a  planned 83 acre community in Panama built out of discarded plastic bottles equipped with a septic tank system, standard Windows, doors and an exterior sidewalk, the first finished homes look just like conventional homes. The design process begins with building frames rebax and steel mesh which are  then filled with used plastic bottles. Afterwards, the various electrical and plumbing lines are inserted and then the Plastic walls are covered with  concrete in and out. The first prototype building was completed late last year with over 10,000 plastic bottles.And the houses are said to be considerably 17 degrees Celsius cooler than the temperature outside.